These silhouettes transform paper dolls, advertisements, snapshots and signs. They are surreal and yet idealized versions of bodies. They are imaginings that leave a bit of space for people, who like these silhouettes are many sizes.
"I hope these images will be affirming for other people too. I hope my silhouettes will, in depicting bodies - including fat bodies, provide space for others to celebrate themselves and others. I see these artworks as linked to movements for fat acceptance and to self empowerment." - Alison Bergblom Johnson
Both a zine and an 8.5" x 11" poster, this palm-sized book features five original collaged silhouettes and original text.
Art and text by Alison Bergblom Johnson. 6 pages, plus front and back covers. Folded zine. 2.75 " x 4.25" Reverse is an 8.5" x 11" poster.
[Image Description of product photo: A silhouette of a fat figure with her hair in a short bob cut into yellow and orange marbled paper. The silhouette is on a blue painted background. Below the collage is the zine title handwritten: "Bodies Living this Present" and Alison Bergblom Johnson's name. The zine rests on a green cutting mat with yellow markings.]
[Image Description of shop logo: A photograph of Alison Bergblom Johnson, a white fat woman with short asymetrical curly blonde hair, wearing a pink blouse in front of a tan background.]